Rose Hill, Kendal Hill


Rose Hill, Kendal Hill

Located in the area of Kendal Hill / Silver Hill - This piece of land is very convenient to the ABC highway and Maxwell Hill and Oistins- This site fits snugly at the end of a quiet Cul-de-sac, yet is near the highway, Deighton Griffith School, Foundation School and the new Popular Discount super store under construction by the Kendal Hill Rubis Service Station, and many South Coast beaches and amenities.JUST REDUCTED - This Lot is offered by a motivated seller at the most reasonable price of BDD$135,000 ($10.53/sq. ft.)..

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Sale Price: 
$67,500 US
$67,500 US
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Land Area: 
12,826sq. ft
25 Jun 2024
BEAVA Approved
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