
Lot 2 Waterhall

This is one of three beautiful plots being sold at Waterhall, St. James. Nestled between lot 1 and lot 3 on the Northern and Southern side of the property and measuring 32,781 square feet of land with a gross area of 35,794 sq.ft. one will find it quite with refreshing breezes and views of both the countryside and Apes Hill Golf Course. The land slopes to the Eastern side overlooking a small gully separating it from a housing development, while the access road to the property is to the West. Close to the Ronald Mapp Highway and public transport, this lot is a short drive to the beaches of St. James, Holetown and its amenities.

More Information

Sale Price: 
$295,000 US
$295,000 US
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Further Information

Property Type: 
Land Area: 
35,794sq. ft
13 Mar 2024
BEAVA Approved
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